Up Your Bathroom Decor
One of the most useful things that hardly
anyone has a real version of is a toothbrush holder. I mean, think about all
the places you’ve ever stored your toothbrushes: perhaps a little tray that has
other bathroom tools and toiletries in. Or maybe it’s in an old plastic or
glass cup. No matter what they’re in or have been in, it’s quite unlikely that
you went out and bought legit toothbrush holders made specifically for that

But if you’ve ever wanted to spice up your dental hygiene equipment holders, you don’t have to look too far for inspiration. The
things people are selling on Etsy these days are amazing, and usually you can
get something custom without breaking the bank. Still, we have a few ideas for
things that may just be around your house not getting enough use as is. Check
them out!
Older mouthwash

Using an older glass bottle as your mouthwash container is going to be quite an activity. But that's the fact that it’ll score you points with all your friends who love to be in a bulk of ancient items. Of course, this one isn’t really related to holding toothbrushes,
but I actually have seen someone cut a bottle perfectly in half and use
that for storing things upright as well (if you had the equipment to make a
precision cut on a glass bottle, that is!).

Boy do they have some interesting looking glasses out there. Whether it’s something more standard like a traditional glass or something unique like a water glass, these glasses hold
toothbrushes upright fantastically.

Mason jars are all the rage nowadays,
especially for anyone who lives in a rural area and decorates their home with
rustic items and very chic things. So if you, too, have old barnwood or baling
wire in your home as an aesthetic, mason jars fit your home perfectly. Whether
you choose to keep the lid on top and bore holes out for your toothbrushes or
keep it open, this will accompany your overall rustic theme fantastically,
extending all the way into your very bathroom.
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