How can you Ensure your Safety?
There are many different risks that come with neglecting the dentist and brushing your teeth. One of these risk factors is developing an infection called gingivitis. This is an infection that attacks the gums, and if not treated, it can have dire consequences. There are two kinds of gingivitis, but both can be fixed by your dentist. This is a severe kind of infection, and if left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss or worse.
Signs of gingivitis are red and puffy gums or bleeding gums when brushing. Gingivitis is caused by excess plaque build-up on the teeth. Plaque carries many different kinds of bacteria. This bacteria triggers an immune response that in turn attacks the gum tissue and causes gingivitis. Plaque is very common. Almost everyone has some. This forms naturally on the teeth. The bacteria is drawn to the smooth surface of the teeth. These bacteria can also protect you from microorganisms that are trying to have worse effects on your teeth compared to the plaque. This does not mean it is okay to leave plaque on your teeth. Plaque, as you know, leads to gingivitis, but it can also cause worse things like tooth decay or loss.
There are two kinds of gingivitis. The first type is Dental Plaque induced gingivitis disease. This form can be caused by a plaque build up, systemic factors, medication, or malnutrition. The other type is non-plaque-induced gingivitis lesions. This form of gingivitis can be caused by many different reasons. At times there is no specific cause. The reasons that are present could be from a particular bacteria, a virus, or fungus. Some other reasons are genetic factors, systemic conditions like allergies, wounds, or a reaction to a foreign body such as dentures.
There is a treatment for this disease. If caught early enough, gingivitis can be successfully treated. Treatment involves a dental professional doing some work, and after they do what needs to be done, it is up to you to do some follow-up at home. This procedure they do involves scraping away any plaque that is present. This can be painful if the gingivitis is extensive, as your gums will be very sensitive. The dental professional will explain to you the importance of brushing your teeth and how to brush as well as flossing correctly. A follow up will be scheduled after your appointment, and more frequent visits for cleaning may be required. The dentist will explain to you how your oral health is just as important as your body health. After all, the mouth is the biggest opening on the body, so there is no telling what gets accumulated in there throughout the day. The best way to prevent gingivitis is by simply brushing your teeth day and night as well as mouth wash or flossing.
I personally hope to never have this infection as I believe it would be painful. On the other hand, I would rather get this than oral cancer as this is a bit less scary and can be treated more easily. This disease or infection can be easily prevented by simply brushing your teeth every morning and evening as well as flossing or using mouth wash. I personally like to use mouth wash because it is easier than flossing, especially because I have a permanent bottom retainer.