Friday, 15 November 2019

Things You Need To Know About Arrested Caries

Many people tend to think that all caries are the same. Well, that’s not actually true. There are many different types of caries. Among those types, there is a type which is known as arrested caries. These are the caries which no longer progress. Now, it remains to be the dentist’s judgment whether or not these caries need to be treated.

Caries 101
Most of the people know that dental caries is scientific term for the cavities. Cavities are formed due tooth decay. Cavities are formed by acids which are released by certain types of bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria feed on the food particles which are left in the mouth after eating. The acids released by these bacteria can destroy tooth enamel. If the acid is allowed to do the damage for a longer period of time, the decay reaches the layer underneath the enamel.

Depending on the location and stage, cavities can behave differently. Your dentist will be able to assess the severity of any decay on your teeth. Certain factors such as biology, environment and behaviors can affect the extent of tooth decay. For instance, you can prevent the risks of tooth decay by applying fluoride on your teeth on daily basis.

The arrested caries
According to a study, arrested caries are the cavities which are no longer active. These caries develop in the areas where plaque doesn’t build up. These spots look different as compared to the other areas in the mouth. These are often brown and sometimes whiter than the other areas of the teeth. Moreover, the affected area may appear shiny. While active cavities or caries have dark gray shadow, arrested caries are not that severe because they haven’t reached the dentin.

Dentists usually diagnose these caries by touching or visual evaluation. They feel smooth unlike the active caries which have sticky or soft feeling.

Treatment of arrested caries
You may wonder if you need a treatment for the caries which are no longer progressing. Well, those caries do not require any treatment in most of the cases. Arrested caries do not require surgical treatment unless they pose a problem for the function of your tooth. The area of caries may appear dark, which is not quite pleasing aesthetically. In such situations, you can consider having a cosmetic treatment such as bleaching. In case you have this problem, you can ask your dentist about the right solution.

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